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A way to holistic living

Why You Should Undergo Massage Regularly?

We associate a massage with relaxation and rejuvenation—in fact, who does not enjoy a luxurious spa experience? However, the benefits of massage extend beyond emotional and physical well-being. Massage therapy has been proven to induce better sleep, reduce stress, enhance recovery from injury, and diminish pain. Massage is beginning to be recognized as a safe form of alternative therapy when practiced by a trained professional. Notably, massage therapy can deliver…

Why Stainless Steel Lunch Boxes are your best bet?

Now-a-days, we cannot imagine our lives without plastic. It is ubiquitous. So much so, that microparticles of plastic have been detected in our food. Yes, a recent study published in Scientific Reports found potentially toxic polymers in fish which are eaten by humans! Plastic pollution is causing our oceans, beaches, and landfills to choke because it is non-biodegradable.People all over the world are making concerted efforts to give up plastic,…

Replace these Drinks from your Intake

Water makes up the major part of our body. Our liquid intake varies from time to time but on a daily basis, it remains the same. Mostly it starts with coffee or tea and ends with beer or wine but in between these, whenever we are thirsty and cannot find a bottle of water we simply grab a soda. But the real question here is it the healthy thing to…

Wooden Spoons – A Must Have in Every Kitchen

“Happiness is licking the spoon” You have heard people, especially chefs, saying this but let’s take the words in a literal sense. If we are cooking with a metal spoon and we need to sample taste, can we just lick the spoon? The answer is no. This is why most of the cookbooks mention “stirring with a wooden spoon” for all the recipes. If this is the first time you…