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A way to holistic living

Did You Know That Your Daily Toothpaste Can Actually Be Harmful?

Brushing our teeth with toothpaste has been a hygienic and social necessity for ages. Removing bacterial bio-film or plaque, that builds upon our teeth every 12 – 24 hours; in turn, preventing tooth decay, gum disease as well as bad breath is the supposed role of brushing. No one can think of leaving the house without brushing unless, of course, they ran out. But what is in that toothpaste that…

Steps to Promote Health of Mother and Baby During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase of every woman’s life. During this period they need to keep themselves pure from the within so that the baby stays healthy as the mother’s mood and health reflects on the growing baby. Ayurvedic believers also say that one should nourish their senses with fresh flowers in the morning as well as listen to soft music as it helps to calm and relax your nerves….